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Leased Car Repairs

Let The Scratch Master Help


The Bad News:

You are responsible to pay someone for repairs*.

The Good News:

You get to decide who you will pay. Will it be:

The Lease Company / Dealership: Who, through honest ignorance (or exaggeration), can make you pay premium body shop rates for inefficient repairs.


The Scratch Master: I recommend fixing it before the lease company sees it. I use smarter, more efficient repair methods and save you 25% – 75%.

First the Bad News!

It’s simple… According to your lease agreement, you are required to pay for “excess wear” repairs*. According to GMAC lease financing, “excess wear” is:

  • Exterior: A scratch, chip, or dent that cannot fit inside of a 2-inch circle.
  • Interior: A cut, tear, or singed area that cannot fit inside of a 1/2 inch circle. A burn hole that cannot fit inside of a 1/8 inch circle. Stains that cannot be removed.
  • Other: All damage that reduces re-marketability or impairs vehicle appearance. All wear that exceeds “normal” wear.

Lease Return Ruler:
You will pay to fix these items one way or the other*. You can either fix it before you return your car, or you can return the car “as is” and the lease company will bill you for the repairs. You’ll save money if you let me fix it before they see it!

Honestly, I really do not like to sound negative, but if the lease company sees “excess wear,” this could happen to you:

  • It would have gone unnoticed, but now the lease inspector has every reason to “red flag” you. He easily notices all real “excess wear” as well as imperfections that he just perceives to be “excess wear.”
  • Typically, the inspector is not a skilled professional in paint micro-repairs and paint-less dent repairs. He sees your damage through his “lens” of ignorance or through the “lens” of traditional body shop “paint the whole panel” methodology. Because of this “lens,” scratches and dents are often misdiagnosed. He could require leg surgery for a scraped knee. This happens regularly. Sometimes by exaggeration but usually by honest ignorance.
  • Once your “damage” has been diagnosed (whether correctly or not), the lease company can charge you premium body shop rates for the repairs. You can over-pay for repair methods that are a gross overkill. The more they fix, the more you pay. There is a better way.

Now the Good News

Now the GOOD News: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Having your car prepared beforehand is far less costly than getting “red-flagged”.

The money you save is usually 25%-75% off (depending on the type of damage). It starts with a careful inspection of your car. You can do it yourself, or I can do it for you. If you have “excess wear” damage, I will give you a free quote and explain how I can get your car ready to be returned with no “red flags”. You will be pleasantly surprised at how affordable my services are, and how being proactive can pay off.

Remember, I come to your home or workplace rain or shine. It’s easy and convenient!

Let Scratch Master Make That Leased Car Look New Again!


To receive a personalized quote for our repair services, please fill out the form below. Whether you need paintless dent repair, hail damage repair, or collision repair, our experts are here to help. Provide as much detail as possible, and we’ll get back to you shortly with a customized quote. We look forward to assisting you!